
For over 60 years the Azalea Board has worked tirelessly to facilitate Madison County's largest event, the Azalea Festival. Held each year on the first full weekend in May, the festival boasts food vendors, crafters, a queen pageant, a car show, fun run, tractor pull, the Tinsley Amuesment Carnival and a parade on Sunday each year at 2:00pm. Through rain, floods, heat and humidity, the carnival has remained a staple of the community.  

Planning begins the following week, after the closing of the carnival on Sunday evening each year. Throughout the year details are determined, decisions made and the festival takes shape. We welcome new ideas and suggestions as well as new members to the board. If you have an interest in adding to the event, or helping with it, please contact a board member. 

The board is non-profit and when proceeds are realized donations are made to better our community and the parks in which the festival is held.